Messaging Guidelines
These guidelines provide a comprehensive framework for effectively communicating the institution’s brand identity. They outline key elements such as the brand promise, personality, story pillars, proof points, voice, and tone to ensure consistency and clarity in all communications. The guidelines aim to portray Mines as a leader in STEM education and research, emphasizing its innovative and collaborative culture. Additionally, these guidelines offer advice on maintaining a distinctive and authentic voice while aligning messages with the school’s core values and mission.
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Brand Promise
Our STEM-focused education and research produce the talent, knowledge and solutions to serve industry and benefit society — all to create a more prosperous future.
Our Community
We’re a community of innovative leaders and resilient problem solvers who revel in challenges and work together to engineer solutions on Earth and beyond.
Positioning Statement
The positioning statement articulates the conceptual core of our brand and serves as the underpinning for everything we say and do. Through these fundamental statements, the school can grow and evolve as needed, having this statement as our guidepost.

What We Do
Impactful, industry-connected STEM education and research
For 150 years, we have produced the talent, knowledge and innovations to serve industry and benefit society through transformative education and research.

How We Do It
Innovation that forges new discoveries
We innovate by breaking down tough challenges and exploring solutions that improve how the world works.

Who We Are
Collaborative problem-solvers who revel in the challenge
We’re a community of entrepreneurial thinkers who revel in the process of solving problems together and shaping the future.

Why We Do It
A more sustainable and prosperous future
It’s our shared responsibility to solve critical challenges so that we can ensure a sustainable, prosperous future for individuals, industry, society, the Earth and beyond.
Brand Personality
If you were to envision Mines as a person, who would it be? How would you describe their personality?
The brand personality includes human characteristics that can be attributed to a brand. Use these words to help bring messages to life with greater emotional strength and resonance:
- Driven
- Entrepreneurial
- Resilient
- Curious
- High-Achieving
We’re not necessarily infusing these specific words into our messages but rather using them to position ourselves and guide overall image, voice and tone.
This is what makes us unmistakably Mines.
Story Pillars
Story pillars guide the stories we tell and ensure we are laddering up to overarching themes we want to build our institutional narrative. These purposefully flexible themes will be woven into the stories and messages we share, and each touchpoint should connect to at least one of the pillars.
- STEM Excellence
- Industry Partnership
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Oredigger Experience
- Future Impact
Proof Points
Proof points serve as evidence and demonstrate impact. These are facts, data, stories, programs and people that inform our communications and prove that we are who we say we are. If we claim to engineer solutions on Earth and beyond, we need to prove it with the stories we tell. Strong proof points will support our claims, justify our positioning and strengthen our authenticity.
Consider these questions when developing proof points:
- What do we excel at?
- What separates us from other universities?
- What problems have we solved?
- Who are our partners in tackling grand challenges?
- Where have we made a difference in new or interesting ways?
Proof points show the impact of our work. Every story should reveal why we do the things we do and the impact of our efforts on individuals, communities and the world at large. We aim to connect our audience with the tangible results of our actions, making it clear that our work is not just about words but about making a difference.
Brand Tenets
Bringing it all together, consider our brand tenets our rallying cries. A brand tenet can be used in a headline, subhead or as a theme woven into your content (not necessarily a direct quote).
Find words and phrases that focus on the future – we’re shaping what’s next in various fields with students who are the future of their industries.
- Shaping what’s next in [energy, mineral resources, aerospace, etc.]
- Shaping the future of [manufacturing, infrastructure, healthcare, etc.] at Mines
- Together, we’re creating the next big idea in [transportation, sustainability, space exploration, etc.]
- Fuel your future
- Empowering future possibilities
- Redefining what’s possible on Earth and beyond
- Mines has been powering industry, Colorado and the future since 1874
- Mines graduates show up prepared and deliver solutions that
Integrating “engineering” into our language indicates to audiences what we do, clarifying that Mines goes beyond mining. Opportunity to play on words and use engineering as a verb.
- Engineering solutions on Earth and beyond
- Engineering a world of possibilities
- Engineering what’s next in [energy, mineral resources, aerospace, etc.]
- Advancing engineering on Earth and beyond
- Mines is your source for engineering talent, research and innovation
The World Looks to Mines
Mines graduates are in high demand, and our research is highly valued. These phrases are useful to highlight the in-demand people and programs we’re proud of.
- For [blank], the world looks to [blank]/the world looks to [blank] for [blank]
Examples:- For the future of energy, the world looks to Mines
- The world looks to the Payne Institute for the latest in critical minerals research
- [Blank] look to Mines for [blank]
Examples:- Employers look to Mines for team players
- Investors look
Voice and Tone
Here are some elements that make our content unmistakably Mines:
While the topics we discuss may be complex, the way we describe them should be straightforward and easily digestible for our audience. We prioritize simplicity without sacrificing depth, ensuring our message is not only understood but also memorable and impactful. We’re elite, but not elitist. Our language is clear, direct, active and jargon-free.
If humans are going to establish a long-term presence on the Moon, they’ll need resources – and more than just water and oxygen. They’ll need metals, minerals and other materials sourced not only from Earth but also the lunar surface itself.
The comprehensive elucidation of molten regolith electrolysis is of paramount significance in the context of establishing a sustainable lunar presence.
Let’s leave the over-the-top hyperbole at home and steer clear of unnecessary embellishments and grandiose claims. While confident in our abilities, we maintain humility and back up our statements with evidence. We tackle challenges and provide solutions, making a meaningful difference in the areas we specialize in.
To prepare for the future, economists like Braeton Smith MS ’14, PhD ’18 are studying critical material supply chains around the world—and possible disruptions—to help inform the nation’s clean energy strategy.
At Mines, the brightest minds of a generation are changing the world as we know it.
Our writing is smart and sharp with a playful edge that sets us apart. We’re not afraid to challenge the status quo and inject a bit of cheek into our content, but we always do it with a purpose since clever writing can both entertain and enlighten. Our humor leans toward sardonic (you may catch a reference to the failed Mines Rover #RIP), but we won’t compromise on clarity for the sake of a quip.
Get all the info you need to know to ride the Ore Cart shuttle at the link in bio. (Note: Blaster will not be driving the shuttles. He does not have a license.)
Life’s a journey and we’ve got the window seat to your destiny on the new Ore Cart shuttle service.
We’re problem solvers, driven by the desire to be helpful and provide valuable insights. Whether untangling the intricacies of a complex research project or offering tips on parking for Saturday’s football game, our primary objective in our writing is to be clear, genuinely helpful and a valuable resource to our audience.
Fusion, the process that powers the sun and the stars, has long been a part of the conversation about low-carbon sources of electricity. Unlike nuclear power generated through fission, less waste is generated as a byproduct of fusion. However, there isn’t currently a process that successfully produces power through fusion in a way that is cost effective, efficient and safe.
Fusion, a complex thermonuclear process, involves combining atomic nuclei in a highenergy plasma state, releasing substantial energy through massenergy equivalence (E=mc²) with implications for clean energy, yet requiring advanced confinement methods and materials.
Other Tips
- Keep the focus on the reader rather than us. For example, instead of “see our deadlines” you could say “see when you can start classes.”
- Prove it! Use evidence, examples, and points of impact to support your claims.
- Write at the reading level of a junior in high school.