Photo and Video Guidelines

We value and seize opportunities to capture video and photographs of Mines faculty and students involved in various hands-on learning activities, research projects, campus events and more. These opportunities are beneficial and allow us to showcase the unique experiences and diverse achievements of the Mines community.

Our scope typically includes covering activities with broad impact and interest with the goals of strengthening our reputation, driving enrollment, and supporting the Mines@150 Strategic Plan. 

Mines student in a lab coat conducting research

Photo services

In addition to coverage of Signature Experiences, the Office of Communications and Marketing looks for opportunities to capture student life and research at Mines. This includes students engaged in the classroom, research, or extracurriculars, as well as outstanding scholars who have distinguished themselves in a newsworthy way. We are also interested in unique faculty research projects or newsworthy events.


  • Submit detailed information using our Project Request Form
  • Submit 2-4 weeks ahead of time for event requests
  • Long-term project? Let us know in the early stages! We’d love to photograph the process, instead of just the finished product.
  • We aim to follow-up with you within 72 hours to update you on the status of your request. Please contact us at if you haven’t heard back.

What we DO photograph

  • Campus traditions and Signature Experiences (E-Days, Homecoming, Commencement, Fall Kickoff, Career Day)
  • Student competitions, projects or showcases (Capstone, Undergraduate Research, innovation challenges)
  • Hands-on learning experiences (e.g. Field session, lab work)
  • Faculty and student research and projects
  • Hands-on STEM outreach programs or events

What we DON’T photograph

  • Department-hosted events including:
    • Luncheons, dinners and happy hours
    • Guest speakers and lecturers (with very limited exceptions)
    • Panel discussions
  • K-12 outreach activities where photo release forms have not been signed in advance by parents/guardians
  • General community events or competitions hosted on campus without a direct Mines tie (e.g. space rentals in Friedhoff, Bunker)
  • Group photos (limited exceptions) or student headshots
    • Faculty and staff headshots are scheduled once/semester
    • Student headshots are offered through Mines Career Center several times a year

Where to find campus photos

General campus photos can be downloaded from the Mines Flickr photostream. To download a photo, click on the individual photo, and then click on the downward arrow in the lower right. You will have the option to download the image in various sizes.

Campus communicators and content creators should visit our photo archives at Most photos can be downloaded in their original high resolution. For access issues, contact

Before printing or publishing any photos, please ensure you have permission to do so. Under no circumstances should Mines faculty, staff or students take images from the Internet or non-Mines sources without first obtaining the proper permissions and use licenses from the copyright owner. Doing so may constitute copyright infringement, which can result in legal penalties, fines and other consequences. If you are uncertain about the copyright status of an image or have questions about how to obtain the necessary permissions and licenses, please contact

Departments taking photos can have their photos added to Zenfolio for storage and sharing purposes. Please email to request this service.

Photos taken independently by campus community members (employees and students) or obtained from non-Mines sources featuring individual Mines community members or guests must obtain a signed multimedia release form prior to publication.

Aerial view of the M-Climb as students pour white paint

Video services

Video Production

We produce videos almost exclusively for recruitment purposes and brand marketing, including short-format stories about unique Mines projects or research, as well as advertising. We do not do full-event coverage or film entire lectures. Reach out to the Trefny Center or consider hiring a production company if you need an entire lecture or event recorded.

If you would like to produce a video for your department or program, be sure to consult with us first. At minimum, we will provide guidance on strategy and branding standards. For external marketing videos, we may be able to collaborate and help with production.

Please use our project request form to request video services for your department/program.

Video hosting

  • Have a department lecture or Zoom recording you need to share? Reach out to We’d be happy to add to our official Mines channel as an “unlisted” video so it can be easily shared.
  • Thinking about creating a department or club YouTube or Vimeo channel? Please reach out to before doing so and review our social media policy.

Aerial photo/video requests

Drone requests are accepted on a limited basis depending on staffing and local rules and regulations. Please review the Mines UAS policy before submitting a drone request to our team, and do not attempt to fly on your own.

Release forms

All photographers and videographers taking photographs, videos or audio recordings on university property or at university events must obtain a signed release from any student, faculty member, staff member or community member who is visibly recognizable prior to using in public relations, digital, and marketing materials.

Please direct people to fill out the electronic form using the provided link or QR code, or ask them to fill out the printable model release form.

Crowd scenes where no single person is the dominant feature are exempt as are photographs taken of news events. For events, signage using approved language is available here. Please ensure this signage is visible to event attendees.

Release Board

If we cannot help, here are some options!

When determining coverage, we take into account several factors such as our staffing and resources, university goals and initiatives, marketing priorities, capacity, and timing.  While we wish we could cover every event and pursue every project, unfortunately we cannot accommodate all requests. In those cases, here are some resources to assist you. We aim to follow-up with you within 72 hours to update you on the status of your request.